How to Relax After Work: 16 Tips For Stress Relief

The statistics around workplace related stress are shocking… 79% of people have been overwhelmed by stress at work. And 1 in 14 people in the UK feel stressed at work every day. That’s 7% of the UK population! (source)

Clearly, knowing how to relax after work is something that more of us than ever need to know how to do.

Many of us turn to booze (big glass of wine after a busy day?) or simply melt into the sofa to binge watch Netflix. While these might relieve stress for a short while, relying on booze or TV to lower your stress levels can become a vicious cycle.

We’re going to look at some healthy habits you can use to de stress and improve your mental health and lifestyle.

Of course, these tips to relax after work will depend on you and your location, your hobbies or interests and of course your own personal life. But if you’re looking to lower those cortisol levels, we hope one of these ways to relax can help you…

1. Head to the Gym for a Workout

Exercise is an incredibly effective way to reduce stress and release tension after a long day. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, also known as “feel-good” hormones, which help uplift your mood and promote relaxation.

Whether you prefer hitting the weights, going for a jog, or taking a group fitness class, any exercise is good for stress. Your local gym most likely offers a range of options to suit your interests and fitness goals, so if you don’t already, consider adding the gym to your leisure time.

Of course, not only will exercise help you relax, but it also improves overall health and boosts energy levels.

2. Embrace Screen-Free Time

In today’s digital age, we are constantly bombarded with screens – from computers and smartphones to televisions and tablets. Allowing yourself dedicated screen-free time after work can significantly contribute to relaxation and stress reduction.

Try to engage in activities such as reading a book, pursuing a hobby, or simply enjoying quiet time away from screens. If you have family, dedicate time to doing something fun with them after work instead of burying yourself in Instagram (which is terrible for your mental health anyway).

Disconnecting from the constant stream of information and notifications can help you recharge and find peace.

3. Take a Leisurely Walk in Nature

The healing power of nature is undeniable. Taking a leisurely walk in a nearby park, hiking trail, or even around your neighbourhood can help you unwind and reconnect with the natural world.

Spending time outside not only reduces stress but also improves mood and enhances overall well-being. Enjoy the fresh air, soak up the sun (if it’s out), and let the beauty of nature rejuvenate your spirit. Even a walk in the rain can be very energising!

4. Spend Quality Time with Friends

Social connection is an essential aspect of relaxation and stress relief. After work, make time to connect with friends and loved ones.

Whether it’s meeting up for a coffee, enjoying a meal together, or simply having a phone or video chat, spending time with supportive individuals can help you decompress and gain a fresh perspective.

Engaging in laughter and meaningful conversations can do wonders for your mental and emotional well-being.

spending quality time with friends and family is one of the best ways of reducing stress

5. Engage in Creative Outlets

Creativity has a therapeutic effect on the mind and helps divert attention from work-related stress. Engaging in creative outlets such as painting, drawing, writing, dancing, or playing a musical instrument can help you relax and express your emotions.

Get in touch with your inner artist and let your creativity flow. You don’t have to be a professional artist; the goal is to enjoy the process and let your imagination run wild.

Take a look at local painting or music groups, sign up for a dance class, or just see whats on locally that might get your creative juices flowing (and stem the tide of stress hormones).

6. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful techniques for relaxation and stress management. And while you don’t need to take a course in mindfulness, it can be very helpful if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

If you want to try for yourself: Take a few minutes after work to sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.

Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, letting go of any work-related thoughts or worries. You don’t necessarily need to block out the thoughts and emotions, but try to simply observe them as they are and avoid dwelling on them

Regular mindfulness practice can help cultivate a sense of inner peace and improve your ability to handle stress. If you want to relax after work then finding a way to manage your mindfulness can be one of the best gifts you give yourself.

improve your overall happiness by discovering guided meditation

7. Treat Yourself to a Hot Bath

There is something incredibly soothing about a warm bubble bath. After a stressful day, draw yourself a hot bath, add some aromatic oils or bath salts, light some candles, and indulge in a little self-pampering.

The warm water and calming ambiance will help loosen tense muscles and melt away stress. Take this time to unwind, relax, and let your worries float away.

8. Engage in Journaling or Writing

Writing can be an excellent outlet for processing emotions and relieving stress. Take a few minutes to jot down your thoughts and feelings in a journal or create a story or poem.

Write freely without judgement or expectation. The act of putting your thoughts into words can bring clarity and a sense of release.

Consider this personal writing time as an opportunity to reflect, gain insights, and find solace.

9. Practise Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises are an easy and effective way to calm the nervous system and promote relaxation. While this might sound a bit wishy washy, the truth is that it works! And best of all it’s a simple practice you can do any time, anywhere, even when you’re at work and feeling stressed.

To start practising deep breathing: Find a comfortable sitting or lying position, close your eyes, and take slow, deep breaths, focusing on inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth.

Deep breathing triggers the body’s relaxation response, helping you let go of tension and stress.

10. Explore the Potential Benefits of CBD

Chances are you’ve seen CBD products everywhere, from the internet to your local supermarket. This natural product is derived from the cannabis plant, but is not intoxicating like it’s better known cousin THC.

Using CBD to relax after work can be a good way to use a relaxing supplement that has less negative side effects than alcohol, nicotine or other ‘traditional’ post-work relaxants.

Studies show that CBD could be useful in treating anxiety, depression, stress and a whole smorgasbord of mental health issues.

There are lots of ways to enjoy CBD and add it to your relaxation routine. Some of the most popular are CBD edibles such as gummies, or slow release CBD patches that help to soothe you throughout the day.

Browse the range of quality, natural CBD products in our store.

CBD could be one of the best ways to relax after work

11. Engage in a Hobby or Craft

Rediscovering or pursuing a hobby or craft can be a great way to relax after work. Whether it’s knitting, woodworking, gardening, surfing, tennis, football or playing a musical instrument, engaging in activities you enjoy can provide a sense of fulfilment and allow you to unwind and focus on something outside of work.

Taking up a hobby also gives you a focus after work and can improve your feeling of work life balance, especially if you make time for your hobby regularly.

12. Practice Yoga or Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are mind-body practices that combine gentle movements with focused breathing, promoting relaxation and stress reduction.

These practices help stretch and strengthen your body, improve flexibility, and calm the mind. Many yoga and Pilates classes cater to different experience levels and offer variations, making them accessible to beginners and experts alike.

Whether you prefer a studio class, online session, or self-guided practice, incorporating these practices into your after-work routine can bring balance and tranquillity.

13. Listen to Soothing Music or Podcasts

Music has a powerful impact on our emotions and state of mind. Create a soothing playlist of your favourite relaxing songs or explore genres such as classical, instrumental, or ambient music. Sit back, close your eyes, and let the melodies transport you to a tranquil state.

Alternatively, listen to podcasts or audiobooks focused on mindfulness, personal growth, or inspirational stories.

This can obviously be a great way to relax after work while you’re on your commute home, or even when relaxing at home.

spending quality time with friends and family is one of the best ways of reducing stress

14. Book a Massage

While you might not book a massage every week, having a good rub down has been shown as one of the best ways to relieve stress.

And you don’t even need to pay for a massage! Ask your other half to give you a soothing back rub or scalp massage.

To add to the experience, use CBD intimacy oil to soothe those knots and aches. You could even add in a scented candle or some relaxing music to enhance the experience.

15. Enjoy Sexual Activity

While you might not feel particularly sexy after a long day in the office, the fact is that sex is one of the best ways to boost your feel good hormones. (source) And indulging in some intimate activity is not just a good way of relaxing and improving our mood, but is also great for improving your relationship with your partner.

While life might get in the way, and people often neglect sex because they’re too tired or not in the mood, making time for sexual activity can help you feel energised and lower those stress levels.

A good way to enhance the experience is by using ShelleySupply CBB intimacy oil. With it’s high CBD content, our lube can be used for massage (as mentioned above) and also used as an intimate lube to get you in the mood.

16. Deep Relaxation Techniques

Deep relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery, offer a profound sense of relaxation and release. These practices involve systematically tensing and releasing different muscles in the body or imagining peaceful and calming scenes.

Deep relaxation techniques help reduce muscle tension, relieve anxiety, and promote a state of deep calmness. Many guided relaxation resources are available online, making it easy to incorporate these techniques into your after-work routine.

enjoy deep relaxation and intimacy

Using ShelleySupply CBD Products to Relieve Stress

Remember, finding the right relaxation technique or combination of techniques is a personal journey. Experiment with these options and pay attention to what works best for you to help you relax after work.

Here at ShelleySupply, we started our brand because we love CBD and think it’s a great way to improve our mental wellbeing. And that’s why we create only high quality, natural CBD products that are perfectly suited to incorporate into daily life and lower the effects of work stress.

If you’ve never used CBD before, we recommend trying the CBD gummies from Orange County as a great way to promote calm and help you relax after a long workday.

If you find yourself anxious and overwhelmed during the day, you should also try out ShelleySupply CBD patches. These slow release patches simply stick to your skin and offer the soothing effects of CBD throughout the day.

Browse our full range in the shop.

A quick note about CBD: While research is still ongoing, much of the advice about the effects of CBD is still in the early stages. However anecdotal evidence and the rise in popularity of CBD do show that it has a lot of potential to treat anxiety.

If you are suffering from stress or any other medical condition, you should always consult a medical professional before taking any supplements.